On Apr 18 20:19:45, josebaulenasric...@gmail.com wrote:
> I understand everything you say.

Apparently not.

> *Why, I want to convert FLAC to WAV?*

I don't care.

> I play my music using a USB 2 teras hard drive, connected to a *Marantz
> NA6000 Audio Streamer, *which has a very powerful and interesting DAC in
> its filters* (I'm not interested in the streamer, or anything like that*) and
> from there, to a *PrimaLuna Evo 300 tube amplifier*;

Your disk an your amplifier has nothing to do with the question.

> I'm an audiophile and I'm constantly looking for sound quality

Surpirse: a self-proclaimed "audiophile",
clueless about audio formats.

> I get complete music albums in flac format,

And why do you get FLAC albums if you don't know whether
it preserves the precious quality of the sweet, sacred sound of music?

> So, in my search for sound quality, and not to save space, I wanted to know
> if when I convert flac to wav, I will return to the original state of the
> audio.

Apparently you don't know what FLAC even is.
Hint: the L stands for lossless. Google it.

> Using this application to transfer FLAC's to WAV, will I lose audio
> quality?

What application?

> In theory, do I go back to the initial state of each music track?


> In the case of using the application,
> any settings that you suggest in the
> software to obtain better quality and performance?

What "better quality" if it is the same soundwave?

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