> > - you do not have a timeline in AS3+flex2
> Just to avoid confusion AS3 still fully supports the timeline, and if you
> load clips with frames that were compiled in Authoring you can still use
> "goto", "stop" and all other timeline methods, properties and events.
> It's Flex which avoids the timeline, but this was the case even when Flex
> compiled AS2 code.
> The next authoring which will have AS3 support will still have the same
> timeline as before (or better :) ).

Yes but in term of logic from a programmer point of view
You do not need to understand the timeline concept to build a web

Which is also good imho

Right now, a C#/Java programmer willing to code AS2 would had to understand
the timeline concept as soon as he want to code over a GUI

people coming from AS2 can sure still reuse their knowledge of the timeline
concept, and this can even give them some more depth understanding of how
the things work under the hood

but if you look just at the logic, AS3+Flex2 do not need a timeline,
and this influence a lot of things, especially building visual component

It had been years that I waited the way things are done now in Flex2

But well I could even go in more details just comparing how
AS2 use import (as it was a simpe #include) and how AS3 import
Work totally differently, even if the syntax is exactly the same

I can only tell to people thinking that AS2 is not different than AS3
To go read the doc


take prog_actionscript3.pdf

read it, and compare to how things are done in AS2


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