> but in the descrived situation i must ommit the dot to get it to work, why's
> that!??

because there are two ways of accessing a property (the parent has a
property named "mc1" that references a movieclip). one way is to use a
dot, the other to use a string (i.e. a variable of type String or a
literal string "foo") inside []s.

so, those three are the same thing:

- myObject.myProperty;

- myObject[ "myProperty" ];

- var prop:String = "myPro" + "perty";
  myObject[ prop ];

you can even call methods:

trace( Math[ "random" ]() );


On 10/28/05, Jorge Rego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks all! :-)
> Just curious about this,
> if i want to access nested MCs "normally" i do it like this
> > theParentOfYourMCs.mc1.someProperty (with dots in between)
> but in the descrived situation i must ommit the dot to get it to work, why's
> that!??
> > theParentOfYourMCs[ "mc" + number ].someProperty
> Jorge Rego
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