I imagine you're calling clearInterval with the appropriate interval ID upon
each quiz question submittal, and then afterwards recalling setInterval for
the new question? How does it fail the second time? Does it just never call
it again, or does it call the function at a different interval?


On 10/29/05, Weyert de Boer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm, I am currently working on the "good" version of the quiz only I
> have a question how I should implementate some part. The quiz should ask
> yes/no questions and the user should only have three to six seconds to
> answer the question. If the user fails to answer the question within
> this time, the answer should be fault. Currently I used a setInterval()
> with 3000ms only I never get stuff with intervals right. Always it goes
> all fine the first question, but the second it fals. Does anyone know a
> good way to implementate this? Maybe through event delegation instead of
> a interval callback method?
> Yours,
> Weyert de Boer
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