This might be slightly OT, as it doesn't directly deal with code. But it
does concern tools of the trade, so here goes...
 I'm using Eclipse, FDT and Subclipse. Occasionally, a project just 'goes
bad.' It seems like something is getting corrupted, and I don't know what it
 Here are the symptoms:
 Use project for a while - all is fine.
Click refresh.
Get 'An error occurred during Refresh' message with *no additional
information*. (yay error handling!)
 From this point on, the project is completely shot - you can't do much if
you can't refresh... Checking it out again from the repository doesn't work.
The only way I can fix the project is to:
 1. Detach it and all of its linked libraries from SVN control (and delete
SVN information from the system).
2. Delete the project and the libraries it links to from the Eclipse
workspace (without deleting all of the files from the system).
3. Re-import the project and various linked libraries, thereby rebuilding
the project.
 Of course, I then lose all of my SVN history.
 Needless to say, this is really a bummer....
 Anyone experienced anything like this? The key would be the meaningless 'An
error occurred during refresh' message.
 Jim Kremens
Flashcoders mailing list

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