I just want to bring to your attention a rare array problem that eluded me for years. I just realized what is going on.

Whenever I tried to clear an array I would use a for loop, iterate through all the items and pop each one off. Every once in a while the arrays would still contain values and not be completely erased. Can you spot the error? Here is the code:

wrong way
// create an array
errors = new Array()
// add two items
errors.push("item 1")
errors.push("item 2")

// loop through each item
for (var i=0;i < errors.length; i++) {
   trace("removing item")
// errors.length = 1

right way
// create an array
errors = new Array()
// add two items
errors.push("item 1")
errors.push("item 2")
var len = errors.length;

// loop through each item
for (var i=0;i < len; i++) {
   trace("removing item")
// errors.length = 0

Look at the condition (i < errors.length).

If we pop an item off the end of the array then the length of the array is decreased and we do not iterate through all items in the array. Hope this helps someone.

Best Regards,

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