Hi Hans/Charles/To Whom It May Concern

> who is complaining?

No-one yet - wait until it's finished and released, only then will the
complaints will start rolling in :)

> Although I admire all the people who do join public alpha groups etc to
> make things better, I dont think that this is should be a must in order to
> comment (again, nobody was complaining yet ;)) on a language. I cant
> imagine that if i'd join the alpha group and went like 'gimme real
> eventlisteners with listener interfaces, gimme dynamic class loading, gimme
> anonymous classes, inner classes, multhreading, make it like the java
> language with all the cool features of flash, etc' that they'd be real
> happy with me;).

They'd probably listen a lot more than you expect them to. They're
pretty good like that :)

>...The way it works:
> myObject.addEventListener (PUBLIC_ID, functionObject) is not very strong
> typed in my opinion, I would have expected something like
> myObject.addFooListener(myFooListener) in which myFooListener implemented
> the FooListener interface and addFooListener was declared like
> public function addFooListener (f:FooListener).

You can strictly type your event objects if you like, as far as I can
see - there are lots of built in ones, or you can create custom ones


Is that what you mean? Wouldn't having addFooEvent be a bit difficult
to keep track of? Or have I misunderstood?

> Another one if the new
> additions is that you can put functions in packages, so you no longer need
> to wrap m in a class, so now we have function libraries, with at the moment
> only one public function per file if im not mistaken. I agree that static
> classes might not be the best way either, but this seems even worse to me.

Yeah, I must agree that I'm not too keen on package level functions.
We'll see how that pans out I guess...

> So there you have it... i commented on AS3 without working with the public
> alpha group... yet ;) I'll promise ill the alpha's soon and repent ;).

I'm sure the giant secret macromedia listening base in Antarctica has
picked up this conversation anyway :)

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