
I am using javaScript and setVariable to try and communicate between a html page with javascript on one domain (actually running a SCORM based LMS) and the Flash swfs and content on another. The Flash swfs load fine, they can call javascript functions, but the setVariable simply does not work to send data back.

The whole system works if I am within one domain.

But surely the html and javascript is actually running in my browser, so shouldn't the original domain that the html comes from be irrelevant?

In detail:
I am running http://www.host-for-noodles.com/moodle - which ends up loading an html page that loads a Flash object at http://www.clarityenglish.com. The Flash swf loads up and loads a variety of other swfs and xmls from this same domain. All this is good. The Flash swf then does a getURL to run a javascript from the original html page. This works OK. But when the javascript comes to run movie.setVariable simply nothing comes back to Flash. In Firefox I see a javascript NPObject error - in IE, simply nothing happens. (I googled for the Firefox error and see some evidence that this is a Firefox bug - so left if alone to see how IE did).

I know that I ought to rewrite using at least the Flash/Javascript Integration kit, or better with ExternalInterface - but until that happens, does anyone have a definitive answer that what I am trying to do can't work - or clues as to how it should work?

Many thanks

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