if i do this:
and var layers = new Array();

it works just fine. Don't know if this is the accepted way to go about it though ;)).

As for as i know i thought DataProvider was some kind of adapter class for arrays not really meant to be instantiated on its own.


At 06:56 PM 11/29/2005, Cortlandt Winters wrote:
Hi Folk,

I can't believe I'm having trouble using a dataprovider, but well... I am.
If somebody could lend me a brain I would appreciate it. Mine apparently is
having some problems. Here is the most reduced case. This code is in the
main timeline.

import mx.controls.listclasses.DataProvider;

var layers = new DataProvider();

var thingtestLength = layers.getItemAt(layers.length);
var thingtestItem0 = layers.getItemAt(0);
var thingtestItem1 = layers.getItemAt(1);

trace(layers.length); // returns "undefined"
// but this one which uses layers.length to get the item
trace(thingtestLength.guy); // returns "a"

// these both just return undefined
trace(thingtestItem0.guy); // returns "undefined"
trace(thingtestItem1.guy); // returns "undefined"

So the item is being filed with an "undefined" key.
I thought that maybe we needed to have a label and tried this as well, but
with the same results.
layers.addItem({label:"joe", guy:"g", data:"a"});
layers.addItem({label:"joe2", data:{thing:"a2"}});
with the same results

Does this make sense to anyone?

By the way I also tried
var thingtestLength = layers.getItemAt(layers.length-1);
as that is what is supposed to be the proper syntax, but that gets us
"undefined" as well.

And of course I tried getLength() as well and I tried using
DataProviderClass as well in desperation. I also tried "dataProvider" with a
lower case d as that shows up syntax highlighted but then the compiler says
it cant find the file. It's been years since I've been this bewildered with
something not working. I even uninstalled and reinstalled flash thinking
that my configuration must be broken, but no. It seems to be me.

Thanks for any thoughts.

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