Hi Jason,

AFAIK, XPath.selectNodes() returns an Array.

<snippet from the docs>

10      *        selectNodes
11      *
12      *        returns an array of nodes that match the given XPath
13      *        expression using the the XMLNode (context) as the
14      *        starting context for the expression.
15      *
16      *        This is the description
17      *        @param (XMLNode)context
18      *        @param (String)XPath expression
19      *        @return (Array) matching nodes
20      */
21      static function selectNodes(context,path:String):Array{
22              return XPathParser.parseQuery(context,path)
23      }

</snippet from the docs>



On 12/20/05, Merrill, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm asking this more out of curiosity than necessity, but the responses
> to this thread may help be avoid some headaches in the future.
> Been using xfactorstudio's Xpath classes with great success.  However, I
> have found an odd thing - sometimes I have to cast what I thought was
> already string, to a String in order for a V2 component to accept the
> value.  For example,
> **This does not work:
> var thisVideo:String = XPath.selectNodes("content_xml",
> "thecontentpath/@videoUrl");
> video_mc.mediaPlayer.setMedia(thisVideo);//does not work
> ----Even though no compiler errors and a trace on the var "thisVideo"
> traces the proper "string" (media/video/Welcome.flv) - or what I thought
> was a string, the video in the MediaPlayback component does not play.---
> **So instead, when casting to String first, this works:
> var thisVideo:String = String(XPath.selectNodes("content_xml",
> "thecontentpath/@videoUrl"));
> video_mc.mediaPlayer.setMedia(thisVideo);.//works
> Why?  What type of object was the Xpath value before I cast it to a
> string?  This makes sense for numbers in an XML file, but for Strings???
> The kicker is I can send other XPath values I don't cast to strings
> first to text fields, textAreas, and they show up fine.  So is it
> something quirky with V2 components as well?
> Thanks.
> Jason Merrill   |   E-Learning Solutions   |  icfconsulting.com
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