chek for any syntax errors in your script, and remove any spaces
before and after the opening and closing php tags, see if that helps.

On 1/13/06, David Serrano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, anybody know why I have this error in NetDebugger console?
> exceptionStack (Array):
>  0 (Object):
>    code (Number): 256
>    description (String): The file {ClkManager.php} exists and was
> included correctly but a class by that name could not be found in that
> file. Perhaps the class is misnames or you are running into a
> case-sensitivity issue, or the class exists but contains syntax errors.
>    details (String):
> c:\wamp\www\seeuat\htdocs\amfphp\actions\ClassLoaderAction.php
>    level (String): User Error
>    line (Number): 114
> My ClkManager.php is like this:
> <?
> class ClkManager
> {
>   function ClkManager(){
>      $this->methodTable = array(
>         "getSrvTime" => array(
>            "access" => "remote",
>            "description" => "es un test",
>            "returns" => ""
>         )
>      );
>   }
>   function getSrvTime(){
>      return date("G:i:s");
>   }
> }
> ?>
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