Ian Thomas wrote:

We've jsut started using AS2API -
http://www.badgers-in-foil.co.uk/projects/as2api/ - which works fine for us
on Windows (but had issues on Linux, sadly, although I think that's because
our Linux box needs a good cleanup).
Perhaps you could share how you got it working? I just tried it with a command line like this:

as2api --classpath path/to/swfRoot;path/to/commonLib com.alanmacdougall.project.*

(I have all my classes arranged properly at swfRoot/com/etc/etc, with utility classes like XFactorStudio's XPath at a common library location.)

First it barfed when it found variable definitions in the style "private var x:Number, y:Number;" -- so I fixed those. But then it started giving me huge streams of errors saying "Found no definition of type known locally as 'MovieClip'".

Again, I think, no problem -- I add flash_home/en/First Run/Classes/FP8 and flash_home/en/First Run/Classes/MX to the classpath... but without success.

Could you post your experiences with as2api, and the command line parameters you're using? I'd appreciate it.


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