Hey, we just finished a gig with amfphp and Xray did a great job in helping
us debug the live data.  We were able to trace out the remoting objects
after creating them to make sure they were instantiated correctly as well as
look at them through the treeview at runtime.  When data returned, we
through it through Xray's trace and it just spit out the entire object for

when you consider all we have to do to use Xray is put it on stage and
publish with our main swf, I think that's a bit easier than NetDebug ;)

public static function getData(id:Number):Void
    remotingObj = new Service("
null, null);

    _global.tt("create service?", remotingObj);

    pc = remotingObj.getCYMData(id);
    pc.responder = new RelayResponder(CardData, "onGetDataSuccess",

// traced in Xray:
(1071) create service?:
  __responder = null
  __serviceName = serviceName
  _allowRes = true
  __conn = [object Object]
      contentType = application/x-fcs

  log = null

public static function onGetDataSuccess(p_return:Object):Void
    _global.tt("onSubmitDataSuccess", p_return);

// traced in Xray:
(1316) onSubmitDataSuccess:
  __result = [object Object]
      serviceName = undefined
      drawing =
          27 = 374.95|131~380.95|127|5.9395
          26 = 365.95|140~367.95|136|4.0595
          25 = 360.95|144~362.95|143|4.0695
          24 = 354.95|147~356.95|147|5.4795
          23 = 351.95|145~353.95|146|6.6595
          22 = 342.95|131~345.95|137|6.2195
          21 = 338.95|121~341.95|125|4.5795
          20 = 335.95|113~336.95|117|6.0795
          19 = 333.95|110~334.95|111|7.3995
          18 = 327.95|111~332.95|110|8.5195
          17 = 301|131~316.95|117|10.4295
          16 = 277|165~289|148|8.15
          15 = 268|175~274|171|7.86
          14 = 252|186~260|182|7.69
          13 = 244|188~248|188|9.41
          12 = 226|174~232|181|9.03
          11 = 207|140~213|150|8.91
          10 = 198|117~202|127|6.8
          9 = 193|107~196|111|4.94
          8 = 191|105~192|105|6.33
          7 = 189|107~190|106|7.45
          6 = 174|127~183|114|7
          5 = 165|139~170|133|5.02
          4 = 154|154~156|150|3.03
          3 = 147|160~149|158|1.46
          2 = 145|164~146|162|1.47
          1 = 143|166~144|164|1.42
          0 = space~142|166

      caption = testing the caption
      musicChoice = Jason Mraz – Life is Wonderful|wonderful
      personalMessage = TEST
      friendsEmail = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      friendsName = JP
      yourEmail = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      yourName = John Grden

public static function onGetDataFailure(obj:Object):Void
    _global.tt("onSubmitDataFailure", remotingObj, obj);




On 1/19/06, Gavin Lilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anyone solve this problem?
> I ask as I have the same problem following an upgrade to Flash 8. :-(
> I seem to have 3 isntances of classes installed at various locations on my
> hard drive, but nothing is repsonding and the ncd is vital to
> troubleshooting - but how do I trouble shoot the ncd?!?
> cheers,
> --
> Gavin Lilley
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