i've read specs, watched demonstrations, i've TRIED to be excited, but all i can tell is that it's another proprietary tech trying to cash in on a growing market.

Which specs did you read and which demos did you watch? Certainly not the same ones I've read and watched. First of all Sparkle doesn't even play the same *sport* as Flash, let alone in the same field. The uses of Sparkle in the browser will be next to nil for at least several years. The few uses it has in a browser will be reserved for special purpose, controlled enviornment applications, and are in no way a threat to Flash. So I guess I don't know where any of this rant comes from.

Sparkle is awesome. It is a major step in the right direction in terms of workflow improvement and abstraction of display (view, presentation, whatever) layer code. It has little to nothing to do with the web right now. It has to do with building user interfaces for applications that will run on Longhorn. Yes, it's properietary. So is Windows. Get over it and find something meaningful to argue about.

Oh, and your rant about forcing people to use PC hardware, WTF? What platform *doesn't* use PC hardware these days?


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