Hi Mike,
  It's a Known Feature with Firefox. It's not strictly speaking a bug - the
browser doesn't know how high the document is supposed to be, because
there's no sized content in the document.

Try sticking this in the <head>


If that doesn't work straight off, you may need to change the document type
- try putting in a valid HTML or XHTML doctype to kick Firefox out of Quirks
mode. (You might not need it - I honestly can't remember).

The above code and a valid XHTML doctype certainly works for me.


On 1/26/06, Mike Boutin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am making a fullscreen flash site and I have the width and height set
> to 100%.  In internet explorer it all views fine, but when I view the
> same page in Firefox and Safari, the flash document doesnt stretch to
> 100%, it only shows like 1/3 of the page as flash and the rest as just
> plain html, has anyone had this problem before??
> Cheers!
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