I am still puzzled about that thing ... (unbalanced results on PC vs MAC)

I notice between lines 29 & 33 of your convolution version
you have pushed a blurFilter into the filterArray

It's blurring the individual item - the second time around blurs the
entire canvas.

This still means

Blur + blur = slow on Pc/ fast on mac
blur + convo slow on mac/fast on PC

- if you
remove this from both versions and rely on convolution purely
for blurring, as you can observe the effect isn't as

But there's still a performance difference  - which is platform
dependant, which to me is an issue.

as directly applying a blurFilter - to get an
effective blur from a single iteration of a convolution
matrix I've found requires a 5x5 matrix or alternatively use
multiple iterations which may negate any cpu advantage that a
single 3x3 convolution matrix application has?

Go for it - obviously you'd use the best technique in order to achieve
the effect you desire.

Like I say this code is WIP but I thought it demonstrates the
differences quite effectively.

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