Then as Steve says, sounds like a compiler bug.


On 2/1/06, j.c.wichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> No confusion here ;) except maybe for my fuzzy explanation ;).
> I did:
> interface IWorldPart
> class WorldPart implements IWorldPart
> class SomeWorldPartSubclass extends WorldPart
> then either
> var myPart:WorldPart = new SomeWorldPartSubclass(); or var
> myPart:IWorldPart
> = new SomeWorldPartSubclass();
> As you described, however collection.addItem (myPart) only works in the
> first case and not in the second.
> Probably becoz flash thinks IWorldPart is not an object. I changed it to :
> var myPart:Object = new SomeWorldPartSubclass();
> And it works fine (just as var myPart:WorldPart = new
> SomeWorldPartSubclass();) by the way.
> Thanks for your comments,
> H
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