Karthik wrote:


I have a prospective client who wants to have a Flash application
(AMFPHP). This is the first time for me so I need to know how much I
should charge him.

Can we please keep the list on topic? This is a coding-related list.
Topics such as this and "Outsourcing" etc. should be confined to the
Flash Lounge or elsewhere.
And of course, the only answer anyone can give is "it depends." Try to estimate how many hours it will take you to do the job -- then pad it, because no job is ever as easy as it looks. Then just multiply that by your hourly rate. "What is a good hourly rate," you may ask? That depends on the cost of living in your area, the prices charged by your competitors, your own skill, and your chutzpah.

Nobody here can tell you anything better.

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