It looks they've gotten a bit scrambled with the introduction of AS3 (could be wrong).

You are ;)
haXe have been planned after AS3 was announced.

But with the Flex compiler and framework coming for free, and haXe not being 100% compatible with AS3 (as before mtasc wasn't 100% compat too but the situation was different), I've yet to see a benefit to using it.

haXe is not only Flash. You can use the same language to develop the JavaScript part of the website, and the Server part as well. Hence having one single language on the two sides : client and server.

Plus, the haXe language is by far more powerful and flexible than AS3, thanks to the flexible type system and new features such as iterators, type parameters and enums.

Keep in mind the AS3 compiler is a lot more complex to develop, making as AS2 compiler is a toy compared (I hope I'm not being too extreme, but my impression so far) to this. So haXe will have to be really really good at the output and optimizations to match a native AS3 output.

There's been progress in this domain as well. You should expect haXe to be able to get AS3 speed and new APIs quite soon. Plus, you will still be able to use haXe to target Flash 6-7-8 player which is not the case for AS3.

My two cents,

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