Few Notes:

- CVSNT tries to minimize binary file growth. Do not know how it compares to

- To compare binary documents, you will probably have to find "tools"
tailored for each file type. For example: for Microsoft Word documents, you
can use the built-in Word compare utility.

I do not know if anybody tried that, but for SWF files (or even FLAs?) , you
could maybe try to "convert" it to a text file of some sort for the purpose
of comparing - there are few tools that can do that (at least for swf files
you can use swfmill - not sure for FLA files). Although that technique is
not very "visual" for comparing changes in graphic elements. You can at
least know that "this graphic named "abc" changed".

Also, for FLA files, we put virtually no code in the files (only a single
import statement for the "Main" class). All the code is stored in
external .AS text files - which are easy to compare and update.

Bottom line - whatever decision you take:  even the worse source-control
system will be a far better than "nothing".

good luck!

> Now I will be upfront and state clearly that I don't neccessarily believe
> that StarTeam has done a lot on the to minimize binary file growth other
> then to apply compression to the file. What I mean by that is if you were to
> say take a text file in CVS and look at how it stores it. It does so by
> saving all the changes into a single text file and uses a markup and
> indexing system to track what the "latest version" should be and who made
> all the individual changes up to that point. Something that can be easily
> done in text files is not something that can be so easily done with a binary
> file. As Jester points out, all version control systems to date cannot tell
> you what changed between saves of an fla or for that matter a swf.
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