Hello I am a Noob,

I have a noobie question that cannot be answered on the noob list. I know it is 
a noob question because I have been told on this list that it is.

But even though I have tried all suggestions I still can not get an mp3 player 
to get it's xml list through a Flashvar in the embed tag.

Please use your Action Script Super Powers to help me solve this problem. You 
will save my life, and I will love you for ever.

I have a deal The first one who can help me fix this problem will forever in my 
eyes be known as the Champion of the 2006 International Flash Coders Content 
Degrading Debate.

I have the files all neatly bundled up in a zip file. I have a readme 
describing my problem I have checked all my links (twice) to make sure they all 
send me an email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will send you the files if you think 
you are a real ninja.

Help Guru's!!!!!!!

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