Hi list...

I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing in trying to instance a class
via composition:
I have 2 external classes: questions and puzzle.

class questions {
        public var qa:Object = new Object();
        function questions() {
                qa[0] = new Object();
                qa[0]["q"] = "Who will win?";
                qa[0]["a"] = new Object();
                qa[0]["a"][0] = "Dallas";
                qa[0]["a"][1] = "Miami";
                qa[0]["correct"] = 1;

...and in the puzzle class:
How do you assign a variable so that the entire questions class is
I've tried the following, none are working.

class puzzle {
        private var QA:questions;
        function puzzle() {
                QA = new questions();

class puzzle {
        function puzzle() {
                private var QA = new questions();

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