Dave has it right - the only issue on browser dependency I've found was with
sending hefty packets via the xmlhttprequest... beyond the browser actually
supporting the call in the first place.

The biggest hurdle I found was the space character being presented as a "+"
character when using Safari.

Another bit - for debugging xmlhttprequest I found the "firebug" extension
for firefox to be very powerful.

Jim Palmer ! Mammoth Web Operations

> Yeah, pretty much. There's very little about using 
> XmlHTTPRequest that's
> browser-dependent. If you're doing anything significant with 
> the data you
> return via AJAX, that's where you're more likely to run into browser
> dependency issues, and this won't help with that.
> Of course, one of the reasons for AJAX's current popularity 
> is that browsers
> are much more compatible than they used to be. We've been 
> writing apps that
> use the same sort of functionality for many years, but it's 
> only recently
> that you can do it without a lot of code explicitly to deal 
> with browser
> differences.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/
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