If I've got several swfs running locally (through Director), can they all
connect to the same LocalConnection object? I'm having a lot of problems
getting this working in one-to-one connections because LocalConnections seem
to be asynchronous, and it occurs to me that having a simple pair of
connections running continually in all objects might be easier (and faster)
than trying to open and run them one by one.

To explain a bit more clearly the structure I'm trying to achieve, I have a
main data-holding swf we'll call Data, and a bunch of data-displaying swfs
we can call Display1, Display2 etc. Once initialised, I need to tell each
Display to go and get data from Data. My original idea was something like
1) open ToData connection in Data
2) open FromData connection in Display1
3) run getData in ToData, requesting data for Display1
4) run setData in FromData, returning the data to Display1
5) close FromData connection in Display1
6) repeat 2-5 for each Display
7) close ToData connection in Data

Unfortunately, because the process is asynchronous, this method was closing
connections before the results have been received. (It's complicated further
by the fact that I'm actually running multiple getData requests for each
Display swf). I've tried various variants but they all have problems. My
best idea was simply to leave ToData and FromData open continually, and pass
an id number with setData and getData to route the messages appropriately.
But it seems that each LocalConnection.connect() command disconnects the

I'm rambling a bit - I guess I'm looking for some general advice. Can anyone
suggest a cleaner or more appropriate approach?


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