I'm not sure this is really a 'feature' that is missing since the problem
really boils down to OOP theory. For example, it could be argued that it is
incorrect for the country class to extend MovieClip since a country *is not*
a MovieClip but, rather,  *uses* a MovieClip for display. By this rational,
it makes more sense to extend via composition - i.e. the country class
simply gets a reference to a MovieClip that represents it's visual
manifestation. This way, the same class is used for many MovieClips.

If it was possible in AS2 and is no longer possible in AS3, I'd hope there
is a very good reason why and I'd hope that the reason has something to do
with AS becoming a more mature language and doing things in a better way.

Am I wrong?


On 7/5/06, Marcos Neves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You got the point. But this silly task wasn´t needed on flash 8.
That´s the point.
Should it be on flash 9? I don´t think so.
Isn´t this the time to ask Adobe to include this feature? But I need
help from others developers to show that this feature is essential.

On 7/5/06, Meinte van't Kruis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure if it's entirely impossible to assign one class to multiple
> movieclips, but if that's true than the easiest way to overcome that
> is make a baseclass 'Country' and have Brazil extends Country.
> You still have the silly task of assigning all your countries to a
> different class, but at least your code will be easy to manage.
> good luck
> -Meinte
> On 7/4/06, Marcos Neves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Is this the place to talk about AS3? If not, where would be?
> >
> > The concept of any movieClip be a class is very powerfull, given the
> > ability to do new ClassName to create a copy of any clip. But the Auto
> > Generated class and the fact that you can´t have two movieclips with
> > the same class is something that is limiting flash capabilities.
> >
> > Example:
> > I have a A world map where each country is a movieclip. And every one
> > will have the same behavior. Before flash 9, what I did is assign a
> > class called Country to each movie clip. This way, I can easy update
> > the behavior of all at the same time.
> >
> > With Flash 9, I can´t assign a class with the same name and can´t
> > specify a base class to the Auto Generated extends.
> > My suggestion is to do something like this:
> > http://neves.bs2.com.br/flex/preview.jpg
> >
> > When ask for AutoGenerate, a check box would enable an different base
> > class, and I would write on the textbox. So a movieClip called Brazil,
> > would have a autoGenerated class called Brazil that extends the class
> > Country, witch would be my base class.
> >
> > I´m shure no one can deny that this feature is essential.
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