I hope that you'll take pity on a Flash novice. I'm an experienced programmer, but Flash is very new to me.

I need to generate SWF movie files containing embedded data such as title, production year, etc. The Flash player needs to be able to read these values when it starts playing the movie.

I'd really appreciate advice on how best to do this.

I wrote the program which generates the SWF files, so I have complete control over their content. I tried embedding variable assignments in the first frame of my SWF files by generating the bytecodes to perform variable assignments (ActionPush "year", ActionPush 2006, ActionSetVariable). But I can't figure out how to access these variables from the Flash player. Hints?

Or is there a better way to approach this? All I want is for the player to be able to extract a few values from each movie file.

Thanks for your help!  -jeff
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