one dirty hack I know of it to:
- extend the combobox class
- override the displalyDropdown with an altered copy, in which //if (point.y+
dd.height > Stage.height) is replaced with if(true)
- reassign a new instance of the class to a combobox instance at runtime

Very evil things might happen:).
Well anywayz, it works great, but not when you export it in Flash8.
Exporting it in flash mx 2004 does.
It was a quick hack once, and it has never been updated yet... but
someday.... well....


On 7/21/06, eric dolecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I seem to remember being able to adjust the tween for the opening and also
the direction somewhere - you might want to look in the class for the
comboBox and take a look. Or check the archives here. I know that it WILL
open upwards if there is not enough Stage area below the control. So it is
indeed possible.

- e.d.

On 7/21/06, Robert Chyko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone know if there is any easy way to make a ComboBox "drop" upwards
> (other than modifying the ComboBox class itself)?
> Thanks,
> Bob
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