Martin, do not take this personally, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, I'm sorry in advance if I do, and your code totally makes logical sense and it's 100% correct, but... WHY would someone need so much code just to produce sequential tweenings? A bunch of specialized functions just to make it work? And then suppose he has an slightly different animation he wants to do at the same time, will he need new functions, or add parameters to those functions, and so long and so forth? Why something so convoluted for something so simple? Simply because the tweening doesn't support delays? :(

don't worry i don't take it personally its only programming :)

To me it doesn't seem complicated, just a couple of functions, nothing special in either function.

If it doesn't fit the requirements, so be it.

Sorry for the rant, but really, there's a moment you have to use the best tool for the task - and I don't mean only the easiest. The tweening classes included on Flash are cool and all that, but they're too basic, too raw. Why you'd need dozens of lines just to do something that can be done with one single line in a pretty straightforward way is beyond me. Most of the times I have to build sites, there's so much having to be animated correctly that if I resorted to functions and complex callbacks any time I needed some kind of sequence or delay, my code would be a complete mess and the sequence would be unmaintainable. Now, with delays it's as easy as it gets. It's easier to read, debug, write, change, etc.

Don't be sorry, if it upsets you then best to let it out, bottling things up isn't good for the soul :)

Anyway, to consider if its easier to change then it really depends on how you want to change it. In some cases yes its undoubtedly easier, in other cases i think it could be harder but I don't know the API of your tweening classes so I cant say.

What if i wanted to trigger something when each tween ends? What if i want to perform an action depending on which tween has ended?

Each solution has its pro's and con's so its worth understanding the options and the trade offs.

Like i said i don't find functions or callbacks complicated, its the bread and butter of programming. The code i showed is an idiom that I've used on a number of occasions, not just for sequencing animations but for various things that need treating in a consequential manner and aren't all necessarily time based.

My advice is to still use another solution. MC Tween, laco's, Fuse Kit, it doesn't matter. Any of them will do the trick.

Mine too :)

I don't know any of the other animation kits so I couldn't vouch for their ease of use, size when installed or performance, but I've heard good things about those you mention. around, its always the way to get the best deal and the solution that fits your needs.

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