I am creating an online app in Flash 8 that allows users to design t-shirts
by adding various elements from drop down boxes, and entering some text to
appear on the t-shirt. They can set the formatting of the text using drop
down boxes.

In order for the client to recreate the orders at their end I need to send
the custom design data to the client which they can then import into a copy
of the t-shirt designer app and the design will be recreated.

Anyway I am thinking the best bet is to generate an xml file of the data and
email this to the client. The version of the app the client has will then
have the ability to import the xml file.

So basically I am looking for any resources or tips on generating an xml
file from flash and emailing this xml file to a specified email address.

My server supports PHP so ideally a solution using PHP is required assuming
Flash cannot do all this on its own.

Many thanks


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