
I also use it for a while and really enjoy it. But u're right, the docs are not complete or really reliable... Someone (sorry for having forgotten your name, guy), has given a set of Intrinsic classes to be able to code in FlashDevelop with the mdm autocompletion... and I found sometimes that the doc says something for an answer type, the intrinsic classes says another one... so let's test to know how's right!

I experienced that between the mac and pc scripts, sometimes the types are not the same, so we have to make a
if (_isPC) response = mdm.[aPCCommand] // returns a Number
else response = Number(mdm.[theSameCommandButForMac]) // because returns a string

So I follow you, Andreas, let's ask loudly !! :p

PS : and another problem... the Dell PC's on wich it doesn't work at all if we don't publish as FP8 version... annoying when you make an offline version of a FP7 website -> delete/rebuild everything !! :(


Andreas Rønning a écrit :
Thought i'd share this. Found it amusing.

I've been using Zinc for a while and for the most part i have no complaints, since most i use it for is simply blocking alt+f4 and escape (kiosk apps). Recently however i had a requirement to play a high quality movie, so i thought cool, i get to use the MediaPlayer9 functionality (which for the uninitiated basically drops an instance of windows media player 9 on top of the flash window and gives you callbacks for it).

So i need functionality for checking when playback has ended, and i find it in the event onWMP9ChangeState, which according to the docs is described as such:



I hook up a listener, put a switch/case in it for newState and.. Nothing happens. I read up the docs again and in the example, what the event actually passes is an object with a newState *parameter*. Ok cool, whatever, i change my switch conditional to accomodate this new fantastic knowledge, and... Still nothing.

At this point i'm a little stressed out, and i put an mdm.Dialogs.prompt(obj.newState) to see what happens, and indeed, the event does fire, the prompt looks like what i expected it to, but still the switch/case doesn't work properly.

So i'm tearing my hair out for a bit, until i somehow put typeof(obj.newState) in a prompt, and.. Yep. It's a string.

So here we have docs that describe the parameter passed from an event as a number, but in fact is an object, containing a parameter that is the number. As a string.

I'm not entirely sure what this means, but it actually made me laugh out loud. Putting a parseInt(obj.newState) solved my problem.

For the love of god MDM, if any of you guys are on this list, fix your docs. PLEASE.

For everyone else, you have been warned about the docs :P Consider them hints, not information.

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