Dear List,
First off, apologies if this is the wrong forum for this question.  Some 
background -- I'm in the online advertising industry and I've been trying to 
track down an squash a scam that has been hitting the industry.  There is a 
party out there ( that is embedding some very nasty code in their 
flash ads that depending on several factors will popup a new window and try 
install their spyware using active-x.
Here are two sample swf files:
Now I've been decompiling extracting code with various tools to try to gain 
some insight.  So interestingly enough, one of them is a little older, and it's 
easier to point blame as in the 'constants' the following is defined:
constants [...some taken out...] 
 '', 'easyPP', 
'', 'tz_begin', 'tz_end', 
'javascript:var w=window,n=navigator,a=n.appMinorVersion,d=document,u=\'', 
 '&&tz<=', ')){if(p&&!d.getElementById(\'o\')){d.body.innerHTML+=\'<object id=o 
 0;', 'jscript', 
 id=o height="0" 
 0;', 'unique:Date', 'Date', 'my_date:Date', 'my_so:SharedObject', '/', 
'tiger_swf7300506', 'SharedObject', 'getLocal', 'tm', 'setswfashCookie', 
'ClickTAG', 'ClickTARGET', '_blank', 'URL_btn', 'onRelease' 
The other file seems to have encrypted this informaiton to make it hard to 
track down:
'setcookie...', '_level0', 'l2', 'c1', 'l24', 'l1', 'l21', 'l22', 'l23', 'l25', 
'this', 'l27', 't', 'l26', 'u', 'l31', 'l32', 'l28', '_global', 'i', '_ll2', 
'l33', 'l35', ' - ', 'l43', 'l34', 's', '_self', 'l37', 'l36', '??', '????', 
'????', '???????', '???????', '???????', '?????', '????????????????????', 
'???????????????????', '?????????????', 'l29', '???????', 'l30', '?????', 
'???', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '???????????', 
'?????????????', '?????', '??????', 
 'l38', '????????', 'l39', '????????????', 'l40', '?', 'l41', '???????', 'l42', 
'??????', '?????', 'String', 'prototype', '', 'split', 'length', 'charCodeAt', 
'fromCharCode', 'join', 'newMenu', 'ContextMenu', 'hideBuiltInItems', 'menu', 
'Date', 'epru2003intl592006', 'b', ' : ', '_ll1', 'ClickTAG', 
'', 'ClickTARGET', '_blank'
So I'm kind of at a loss as to how to figure out what this flash file does.  
They've clearly masked their code quite well to make it very difficult ot see.  
I do know a few things:
- The file loads an outside html file, which checks the user's IP address, and 
depending on the geo that IP matches to returns a 1/0 value (or in some cases, 
an encrypted 'yes/no') as to whether or not to serve a pop
- The flash file also checks the timezone of the browser in addition to IP as 
an added check that the user is outside the US.
Any insight?  Again, apologies if this is the wrong list to ask and I will 
greatly appreciate direction if it isn't!  
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