Promoting it is one thing, but his post was not a promotional post, but
more that of a call to action from an impartial party, which he is not.

I don't think Screenweaver being open and free makes it better
considering Screenweaver before it was open and free was, simply put,
bad.  Here are some facts about Screenweaver.

It was extremely buggy,
had features that simply did not work,
was unstable and would crash without warning and with no notification,
had issues with ATI cards when Microsoft Outlook was open,
had issues where the CPU usage would spike to 99% and never release
making Windows (and the SW app) unresponsive requiring a task manager
force quit,
had a terrible API for doing the most simple things (something like
15-20 lines of code to make a system tray icon compared to ONE line of
code in mProjector,
had many functions required 5+ arguments, which reflects poor planning)

And the list goes on and on.

I wouldn't recommend trusting anything that was based on such bad code
unless it was completely rewritten from scratch, which I'm not sure it

Contrary to that, mProjector has always been rock solid and well thought
out and has had asynchronous support since the beginning while all other
wrapper developers could not figure how to do it for years.  Let me
stress that - for years nobody knew how the author of mProjector
provided asynchronous support despite their best efforts, and there was
plenty of effort from all the wrapper developers.

Now that the facts are out of the way, it's time for my opinions.

I invite anyone to share a negative experience they had with mProjector
(I've never seen or heard a single one), but you can search the archives
and there are plenty of developers in the community who have had plenty
of negative experiences with Screenweaver.  Other wrappers like
SWFStudio and Zinc, while not as solid as mProjector, were far more
stable than Screenweaver.  I would trust any wrapper except Screenweaver
to handle functionality that mProjector doesn't have.

IMO, the reason Screenweaver was made open source is because it was a
mess and the only way to clean it up was to invite other coders to get
involved and help fix all its problems.  I'm all for open source, but
the original Screenweaver code was so bad, I can't bring myself to rely
on it.  

All this being said, major companies trust mProjector as their wrapper
of choice for mass deployment.  Companies like The Weather Channel,
DirecTV, Fox Interactive, Earthlink, and Turner Broadcasting.  I think
the paltry $199 (or $300 for both platforms) is worth the peace of mind
of owning the most solid, well-built, best API, easiest to use Flash
wrapper on the market.
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