Mick G wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a way to embed flash transparent
(wmode=transparent) on a layer above an embedded Windows Media Player
active-x control?

Possibly, but I'd hesitate anyway. I think the Windows Media Player, implemented as an ActiveX Control, also has support for rendering to the browser's compositing buffer via WMODE requests, rather than blasting directly to screen. Just as DHTML cannot layer above SWF unless the SWF is routed to the browser's drawing buffer via WMODE, the WMP would need to go into the browser's buffer to layer anything atop it.

But I'd hesitate to do so, though, because drawing video offscreen before transferring it to the video display would give a performance hit, and you'd also likely drop frames from timing differences too... the video codec renders every X milliseconds, the browser refreshes its display every Y milliseconds, and some info would be lost in the middle. Steven Sacks has info on the scrolling issues too.

If you must use WMP (for rights-management, eg), then could you keep it drawing directly to screen, and surround the WMP with with four framing SWFs, intercommunicating through LocalConnection? This would be a little more development work, but would make less work for the browser's rendering pipeline. Possible...?

Zárate wrote:
> You might want to think it twice before using wmode:
> http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=wmode+problems&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
> Anyone knows if Adobe is trying to fix this for the next release
> of the player?

Browser differences are browser differences. When WMODE is changed, then the Player changes the address in memory to which it sends its pixels. Over the past eight years the Player has implemented WMODE requests, we've seen different browsers print upside down, not pass screenreader instructions, do funny things with keyboard entry, when the browser gets in the middle of the rendering pipeline like this.

The Player is the same across environments, but it's the environments themselves which differ, and when we ask the browsers to do more, their results vary more.

More info's available with this search:


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
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