On-line gambling applications are possible where single transactions are worth significant amounts of money.

You need to think very carefully about the design and be sure that the server can validate the score independently of the client. One possible line of thinking is to send the server regular progress indications and validate the users path through the game. The next transaction not only has to be valid in itself but also has to be valid in terms of all previous transactions. If the sequence of progress points gets broken, then you refuse to accept the final score. This is a simple state engine on the server.

Keeping part of the game logic on the server is the best way to ensure that access to the client code is not enough to break the game. ie. send a transaction to the server and get back the outcome, mark the result on the server and let the client setup the game to the state returned by the server for the next interaction. This way, a fake client can not simply send a sequence of transactions. You can also enforce a minimum amount of time between transactions and steer someone to a dead end position if they play too fast (ie use an automatic transaction generation system).

If the user already has a winning path through the game and has recorded how to do it, you may get a lot of high scores from 1 person. That is another problem. If you randomize the outcomes on the server side, you can make sure that each game must follow a different path.

Just as every security measure has a successful hack, every hack can be countered. Welcome to the battleground. Vigilance is one of the big expenses in real casinos. The best on-line gaming companies recognize that they always have to be looking for evidence of new hacks, for gamers finding new way to collude and for all kinds of fraud that they have not foreseen.


Tjeerd Boerman wrote:
Hey, Thanks for your response

So you are saying I can't start a serious ladder for these games, with reasonable amounts of security?

PS: I'm not following a flash course here, thats for sure ;)


Weyert de Boer wrote:
Hi Tjeerd,

Never period, as long you have access to the files in use by the game or any applications. You can cheat period. Sometimes it's harder to get around... I would expect you have learned all the tricks in Enschede!

Weyert de Boer

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