> They (now Adobe) have pretty much done an about-face on this 
> issue. The ActionScript 3.0 documentation 
> (http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2/langref/ ) is excellent.

Macromedia's AS docs were (in)famously bad due to what many considered
to be poor examples and they also had many errors.  I believe they have
field developers writing the docs for AS3 now so expect the examples to
be more applicable and hopefully the error count will be a lot lower, as

> And they do use the argument name = property name syntax in

There's more than one way to skin a cat.  While I might find that
cutting from the base of the neck down the back to the base of the tail
to be the best way, others might prefer cutting along the belly better
because the stitching will be less visible once you put the skin back
together even though cutting from the belly often results in a mess
unless you're careful.  Different strokes for different folks.
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