
I know Steven & others have already responded to your question, but as it
happens I just posted the source code of an app that (I think) does what
you're looking for. It's one step more complex than you asked for - it
actually creates multiple scrolling lists inside an Accordion (thereby
breaking the Accordion - but that's a separate issue :-)

Anyway, the app loads images and text via XML and puts the images in a
horizontal scroll pane - and this aspect of the app works fine. You could
easily strip out the Accordion and related code, and use this as a guide: 


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Dunlop
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:05 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] loading thumbnails into a scrollable box via AS

Wow!! Steven, thanx so much!! I will give this a shot and let you know how
it worked out. Thanks again for taking the time to write all this out :)

Mike D

Mike Dunlop
// Droplab

> First, break it up into different pieces.  The first piece is the XML 
> parsing, the second piece is drawing the thumbnails, and the third 
> piece is scrolling the thumbnails.  I'll leave the XML parsing out of 
> this and focus on drawing the thumbnails.
> Here's the most straightforward way to do this.  We could do it all 
> with code but let's mix it up a little since it's your first time.
> 1) Make an empty movie clip. Name it MC_Empty.
> 2) Draw a 50x50 pixel red square on the stage.  Delete the border.
> Select the square and hit F8.  Name it MC_Square.
> 3) Make two layers in the timeline.  Name the top layer MC_Mask and 
> name the bottom layer MC_Container.
> 4) Put MC_Square on the MC_Mask layer and name it MC_Mask.
> 5) Put MC_Empty on the MC_Container layer and name it MC_Container.
> 6) Resize MC_Mask to whatever size you want the visible area to be.
> 7) Turn the MC_Mask layer into a Mask.  It should automatically mask 
> MC_Container.
> 8) Now that your timeline is set up it's time to write some code.
> I'm going to use some arbitrary values here for example. Season to 
> taste.
> var imageArray:Array = parsedXmlImageArray; // Set these values var 
> visibleRows:Number = 5; var visibleCols:Number = 4; var gutter:Number 
> = 10;
> // These are set based on what you set above var colWidth:Number = 
> (MC_Mask._width / visibleCols); var rowHeight:Number = 
> (MC_Mask._height / visibleRows); var thumbWidth:Number = colWidth - 
> gutter; var thumbHeight:Number = rowHeight - gutter; var rows:Number; 
> var cols:Number;
> function draw() {
>   rows = 0;
>   cols = 0;
>   MC_Container.thumbs.removeMovieClip();
>   MC_Container.createEmptyMovieClip("thumbs", 10);
>   var i:Number = imageArray.length;
>   while (i--) {
>     var mc:MovieClip = MC_Container.thumbs.createEmptyMovieClip("item" 
> + i, i);
>     mc._x = cols * colWidth;
>     mc._y = rows * rowHeight;
>     mc.createEmptyMovieClip("img", 10);
>     mc._visible = false;
>     mc.img.loadMovie(imageArray[i]);
>     mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
>       if (this.img._width > 0) {
>         this._width = thumbWidth;
>         this._height = thumbHeight;
>         this._visible = true;
>         delete this.onEnterFrame;
>       }
>     };
>     if (++cols == visibleCols) cols = 0;
>     if (cols == 0) rows++;
>   }
> }
> This is a simple example.
> First, we set up some initial variables that you can play with.  
> Decide how many visible rows and columns you want and how much space 
> you want in between the thumbnails (gutter).  It will then determine 
> the sizes of the thumbnails, rows and columns based on the dimensions 
> of MC_Mask.  In this way, you can resize it easily by setting the 
> width and height of MC_Mask and calling draw() again.
> The draw function:
> Creates an empty movieclip inside MC_Container called thumbs.  This 
> makes it easier to refresh the view by simply removing the thumbs clip 
> rather than removing every single movieclip inside it.
> Then we loop through the array of image paths you got from parsing 
> your XML.
> In the loop, we create a reference to an empty movieclip.  The name of 
> the clip is "item" + i (item1, item2, etc.) and its depth is set to i.
> We also make it invisible.
> We set its _x to the number of columns times the width of the columns 
> and its _y to the number of rows times the height of the rows.
> Inside that clip we create an empty movieclip to load the image into, 
> and tell it to load movie.
> Then, we put an onEnterFrame on the movieclip (not the image clip 
> because when you loadMovie, when it's done loading it will overwrite
> onEnterFrame) that checks to see when the image has loaded, and then 
> resizes the image to the thumbWidth and thumbHeight we set above.  
> Then it makes the clip visible.  We do this so the image doesn't show 
> until it's done loading and resized.
> Then we increment cols and see if it's equal to the visibleCols.  If 
> it is, we reset it back to 0 so it draws from the left position again.
> If cols is equal to 0, then we know it's a new row so we increment rows.
> That's all there is to it.  Doing a scrollbar is a different 
> discussion, and you could just as easily throw all of this into a 
> movieclip and put that movieclip into a scrollpane.  You'll need to 
> use the undocumented command setScrollProperties on the scrollpane 
> once the images are finished loading, though, so keep that in mind 
> (google it for more info).
> Hope this helps,
> Steven
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