For all those reading this that are Flash Application Developers... and
have C# and/or Java coders in-house...
How do you deal with not being disrespected and discounted merely as a
CREATIVE? Creatives are 50% of the project, and Developers the other
50%. But, how do you communicate with the rest of your company what it
is you do, and in fact, the classes and structure of a Flash Application
are just as, if not more, complex than anything C# or Java can dish up.
As both a C# and AS coder, I'm finding it very frustrating to face daily
questions about what the differences are between creative/designers and
developers. My rule of thumb is this:
1. Creatives: Make things look pretty.
2. Developers: Make things work.

Problem is, I'm accused of not being very "PC" with this statement...
but do I just give up, and make components for creatives to use? Who
would just wind up asking more questions about how to use the
component.. and I'd have to wire up the events anyway.
What are your solutions to dealing with this real life problem?
- EH
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