I've never heard of an OOP design pattern called Flair. From the class you've pasted, it looks like a novice attempt at implementating (sic) a design
pattern known as Decorator.

Perhaps they were trying to be funny with a reference to the movie
Office Space where buttons decorating a TGIFriday's uniform were called
Flair?  I know that comedy helps when teaching dry material, but
renaming a design pattern like that seems to me to be confusing at best.

The pattern is similar to Decorator (as they acknowledge in the book) but different in that it allows you to add and remove functionality at runtime. I decided against Decorator because not all objects in the app will need this functionality, and the ones that do can have it turned on and off by the user. So I figured a separate class would be a good way to encapsulate this functionality, and I remembered this pattern from their book. I don't have a lot of background in design patterns so I was curious if other people have used it.

Incidentally, you are correct about the Office Space reference. Here is a post from Branden Hall, the book's author, from this very list:

http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/pipermail/flashcoders/2003-January/ 060703.html


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