Yeah, hear-hear (here-here?).

I would wager that we could find one ore more non-PhD's who've produced some
major, seminal works. I'm sure this even applies in the CS field, no?

Flex 2 rocks. Get it now.

 "Yeah, well the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister."

On 1/29/07, Martin Wood-Mitrovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Im not normally one to comment on personal behaviour but that post really
leave a bitter taste, which is sad as you are sometimes helpful.

If you are going to pass judgements on other peoples work which may prove
helpful in the situation facing the OP then at least qualify them or you
look like you are relying on us accepting your notion of your own ego.

Design patterns are not cast in stone and the GoF dont hold the one true
set of
patterns, PhD's or no PhD's.

Actionscript is not C++ and its not Smalltalk, other solutions may apply.

I know you can discuss a topic without resorting to ad hominem, so please
do so.



Steven Sacks | BLITZ wrote:
> There are no references to the Flair design pattern anywhere else
> because it doesn't exist anywhere except in the ego of Brendan Hall.
> It's not a design pattern, it's a class that uses another design
> pattern, and poorly, too, judging by the code example.
> If you want to learn more about Design Patterns, there are quite a few
> great books out there on the subject written by people more learned and
> experienced than Brendan Hall.  Like people with PhD's in Computer
> Science.  From the de facto bible Design Patterns by the Gang of Four to
> many others.
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: : ) Scott
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