You'll probably need some backend scripting like php or whatever your host has installed to read the contents of the folder then send that info to your flash app as xml.
On 5/1/07, mastro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hello, I'm looking for a solution witch can handle the following problem: i need a mc witch will load several images and text dynamically from a folder into the flash-file. (the number of images change sometimes....) also 2 buttons should give the possibility to go from image 1 to image however and back... my xml file looks like this: <?xml version"1.0"?> <Bilder> <Bild name="Man on Mars - Lunatic Lander" pic="bilder/bild1.jpg"></Bild> <Bild name="Pluto City" pic="bilder/bild2.jpg"> </Bild> <Bild name="Desert of Venus" pic="bilder/bild3.jpg"> </Bild> <Bild name="Working Mines on Planet Mars" pic="bilder/bild4.jpg"></Bild> <Bild name="Movement of the Terraformer" pic="bilder/bild5.jpg"></Bild> <Bild name="BOMAG" pic="bilder/bild6.jpg"></Bild> <Bild name="BOMAG Giant V2" pic="bilder/bild7.jpg"></Bild> </Bilder> in flash on my mc the AS looks like: --snip! mein_xml = new XML(); mein_xml.ignoreWhite = true; mein_xml.load("test.xml"); mein_xml.onLoad = function(status) { if (status && this.loaded) { anzahl = mein_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length; geladen = true; aktbild = 0; ladeBild(aktBild); } }; function ladeBild(paktBild) { status_mc._visible = 1; bild = mein_xml.firstChild.childNodes[paktBild].attributes.pic; bildname = mein_xml.firstChild.childNodes[paktBild]; loadMovie(bild, "bild_mc"); titel_txt.text = bildname; } weiter_btn.onRelease = function() { if (geladen && aktbild<anzahl-1) { aktbild++; ladeBild(aktBild); } }; zuruck_btn.onRelease = function() { if (geladen && aktbild>0) { aktbild--; ladeBild(aktBild); } }; ---snip! here is a link to a test file: someone an idea? cheers, michael _______________________________________________ To change your subscription options or search the archive: Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training
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