
(FYI, there's something wrong with your reply to that caused this to bounce
last night with a 501 Bad address syntax error. It looks like your own
address and FlashCoders have been combined into one. I'm not sure if that
error is from you, the list, or one of the gateways along the way, but you
might want to look into it, as I have only had this problem with replying to
your post. Here's the body of the email I sent last night.)

I've made a lot of assumptions about what you're trying to do, but it looks
like you have a lot of odd syntax in your script. Avoid using _root whenever
possible, use brackets only for array indices, etc. You can also assign the
create and attach returns to a variable immediately, instead of after the

As for how you can reference the code for the relevant functions, you can
reference them either by their newly created instance name, by their
inclusion in your arrays, or you can add a function during creation.

This script addresses most of these issues and works:

//create missing mc lable_mc. rotated 90-degrees? ("vertical label")
//Init variables
var myTxt:Array = new Array("branding", "news", "about us", "print",
"marks", "contact");
var subMenuArray:Array = new Array();
var myBtnArray:Array = new Array();
var myX:Number = 430;
var ySpacing:Number = 190;
var myId:TextField;
var myformat:TextFormat;
var btn:Button;
//create a movieClip to hold the vertical label
lable_mc.createTextField("myName", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 484, 200,
140, 408);
var myNformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myNformat.font = "Verdana";
myNformat.size = 70;
myNformat.bold = true;
myNformat.color = 0xEEEEEE;
myNformat.align = "center";
lable_mc.myName.text = "contact";
//create the textFields for the subMenuItems
for (var i:Number = 0; i < myTxt.length; i++) {
    myId = this.createTextField("mytext" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth(),
myX, 0, 100, 20);
    myId._y = ySpacing;
    ySpacing += 20;
    myId.text = myTxt[i];
    //Format the text of the subMenuItems
    myId.border = false;
    myformat = new TextFormat();
    myformat.font = "Verdana";
    myformat.size = 13;
    myformat.bold = true;
    myformat.color = 0x555555;
    myformat.align = "right";
    myId.selectable = false;
    //array with submenuItems for button control
    //attach a button (on top of) to each textFields
    btn = this.attachMovie("butt_btn", "butt" + i,
    btn._x = myX;
    btn._y = myId._y;
    btn.onRelease = function () {
    //create an array to use later to control the buttons

Rich Shupe

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