> Hi list, any tips on how to create a text highlighter? The 
> perfect solution will be that I use the text cursor inside 
> the textfield. Now, I was thinking of using drawing API on 
> the invisible mc below the textfiled and when I would click 
> in the textfield I would start drawing a rectangle on that mc.
> But, the problem is that with the text cursor you can click 
> anywhere between the lines and it will select the closest 
> line. So I can't get the exact y coordinate where to start 
> drawing the rectangle.
> Also, I don't think I can use background-color css property 
> as it's not supported according to Flash documentation.

It's a very tricky problem - not only are there the problems you mention,
but also if they're selecting multiple lines you need to draw three
rectangles rather than one - the shorter top and bottom part-lines and the
full lines in the middle. 

I've done it in the past (although in the end I didn't use it) by creating a
function that homes in on the exact coordinates of the insertion point by
adding text into a hidden field and using textWidth / textHeight (the tricky
part is finding the start of the current line, the rest is fairly easy,
although I'm not sure how you'd do centre-aligned text). It sounds hideous,
but actually Flash is pretty fast at that kind of thing and it worked fine
in real-time for reasonably short text. If your text is single-line,
obviously it's much easier.


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