Hello, I should probably not need to ask this. But I am running a movie.  move. 
 about 300 frames.  I am looking at have it load into the middle frame and 
having a simple movie scroll.  I start with this in frame 1.

btn.onRelease = function(){
 gotoAndStop("start");   //   start label is in the middle of the  mov about 
frame 150.
 this._alpha = 0;    
// I turn off the buttons vis.  I will probably load it and unload it in the 
final copy. Not sure on the edicate for this.  less code this way.  Less 
clutter the other way unloading the movie.

 frameNav();  //call the function

function frameNav(){

 onEnterFrame = function(){  //simple onEnterFrame

 movFrame = _xmouse; 

 //movie frame which is about 300 frames should run from _xmouse = 0  to 
_xmouse = 300
 gotoAndStop(movFrame);  //gotoAndStop Movie pans as long as you slide the 
mouse, stops where you want it to stop.


****here is the problem  the mov for some reason behaves exactally as you would 
expect from reading the code. except one thing. For some annoying reason, it 
stops at frame 177 or 178.  So my code does not refer to that frame, nor do I 
have any stops, labels, mcs or any actionscript at all on that frame.  So I 
really am stumped.  Again this is something I am asking because, it seems to me 
at this point that there is an increasing chance that there is a common bug.  

Let me know.

and thanks guys and gals.


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