After reading your first e-mail I did go through and make a change here, but it did not resolve the issue. _mcLibrary = _scope.attachMovie(libraryLink, "mcLibrary"+myName, _scope.getNextHighestDepth());

The line you mention is not the MovieClip reference for the plane, but a MovieClip created to create a BitmapData object. _bd = new BitmapData(_mcLibrary._width, _mcLibrary._height, true, 0x000000);

This BitmapData object is later placed into the plane reference MovieClip. At least that is my understanding... YIKES!
_di = new DistortImage(_mc, _bd, vQuality, hQuality);

I'm not able to post the class inside the e-mail anymore, it exceeds the maximum file size allowed by flashcoders. If you need the class file again I will create a link to all of the files.

Thanks for your response!

On May 23, 2007, at 4:03 PM, David Ngo wrote:

Yeah, you're using the same MovieClip name reference. I do believe you can't have two objects share the same name. You'll get concurrency issues with
that on this line:

_mcLibrary = _scope.attachMovie(libraryLink,"mcLibrary",

You'll need to create a unique ID for it. I would probably suggest either within your creation object, or have an ID factory (should probably be a
hybrid Singleton/Factory) that just generates unique ID's that you can
append to your instance names.

As for the custom class, it's nothing more than a blank class with public variables (or private ones and getter/setter methods) that contain the data you want to pass. OR, since you use two separate objects, just have a single object compose both. There are many ways to go about doing it, so it just
boils down to preference I guess.

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