You are mixing Model and View in your thinking about MVC.
You have described your model. Now you need to construct the objects that make up the View. Your View's render function will read the Model and use the information in the model to construct new objects (or update existing objects) in the View's set of objects
The View deals with "Stages" "Layers" and visible objects. Likely, you will navigate through your model creating objects on different View stages or layers so that your "planets" will appear on one layer in their proper positions and you will draw the labels on another layer in their positions. The layer objects will likely end up being variations of MovieClips or just simple MovieClips.

The label layer will be displayed on the main Stage (also a movie clip) on top of the planet layer.

Think about what should happen when the Controller yells "Render" at the View. The View will create or update its children with information from the Model and in turn call the "render" functions of each child in the right order to end up with an updated top level stage.

Just a guess but I hope that it helps clarify your thinking about the design. You might want to read up a bit on MVC.


I really don't think there is. You will have to move the labels to a new
parent display list.


Hi guys, I asked this in the newbie section since im new to actionscript.
They tol dme to direct it here so here goes:

I have a Sprite. The Sprite has several children who are also
Think of it as a planet with lots of little moons. Now each
of these moons have a Child thats a Label.  These labels
overlap each other in that the text, if its long, will end up
behind another moon it runs into if the moon is a child thats
layerd above it. I want all the labels to be brought to the
front regardless of the moons layer. Is there a way to do this without
disassociating the label with the moon?

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