Ok, thanks all.

Knowing that it must be a delay to start getting the info of the file being
download what I do is meassure that delay and adapt the preloader
accordingly. With every new download my new preolader adapts and knows
better how long is it going to take it to start getting the info and how
much of the file will be already downloaded when that happens.

So the first part of the preloading is just an animation taking the time I
assume is going to take given the last downloads and the second part is the
real preloader of the bytes left.

Kind of tricky but it now works pretty well.

On 6/26/07, Muzak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

show us some code.

where are you testing this? IDE, browser, local, server?

> 123Kb, Why does getBytesTotal show 1347693 ?
compressed VS uncompressed size.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ricardo Sánchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 11:38 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Huge problems with preloader

> Hi all,
> It seems it's taking time to connect with the server or something. I'm
> trying this from spain and the server is in USA, so that might be the
> problem, I don't know.
> Anyway, what happens is when I try to load a swf of arround 130Kb and
try to
> print something with onLoadProgress on screen it takes a while to start
> printing anything at all but then it prints like ten passes through that
> method and loads the file all at once.
> Let me explain myself, this is what happens.
> I click to load the file
> ... nothing happens
> ... nothing happens
> ... nothing happens
> ... nothing happens
> (for a second or two)
> It prints the preloader information I told it to print when it gets
> onLoadProgress (like if it had passed through it 10 times or so) and it
> shows the loaded file. Everything very very fast.
> So I'm waiting for it to start showing the upload progress and when it
> finally does the file has already been loaded but it shows the progress
> followed anyway.
> If the file is larger more or less the same happens, but then I do get
> see the loader printing on screen, I only miss the first part.
> Also, if the file is 123Kb, Why does getBytesTotal show 1347693 ?

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