Works fine for me... How are you creating SomeClass instance?

Kenneth Kawamoto

Robin Burrer wrote:
Hi All,

I want do declare a constant in a class that extends the Movieclip class.
That all works fine in Flexbuilder:

public class SectionButton extends MovieClip
// events public static const ON_PRESS:String = "onPress";

Referring to this constant from another class seems o be fine as well (Felxbuilder does not give me a syntax error.):

import SectionButton;

public class SomeClass

    public function SomeClass()
        trace (SectionButton.ON_PRESS)


But if I try to compile my fla file in Flash CS 3 I get the following error Message:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property ON_PRESS through a reference with static type Class.

Any Ideas?


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