Your if statement is pointless because defaultSection is ALWAYS less than maxSection because you're not altering either of those variables.

That being said, this is much faster:

var defaultSection:int = 3;
var maxSection:int = 6;
var i:int = maxSection + 1;
var j:int = defaultSection;

while (i--)
   trace( " - " + i );
   if (defaultSection < maxSection)
       while (j--)
           trace( " - " + j);

Helmut Granda wrote:
oh yeah.... forgot the loop:

var defaultSection    : Number = 3;
var maxSection        : Number = 6;

for (var i : Number = defaultSection ; i < maxSection + 1 ; i ++ )


        trace ( " - " + i ) ;


if (defaultSection < maxSection)


        for (var i : Number = 1 ; i < defaultSection ; i ++ )


                trace ( " - " + i ) ;



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