Normally you get unexpected (or expected, depends on how you look at it) results when having two for loops and using the same iterator, for the outher loop try using i, and the inner loop try using j. See what happends :)

Cheers Sidney

On Apr 7, 2008, at 5:13 PM, Helmut Granda wrote:

oh yeah.... forgot the loop:

var defaultSection    : Number = 3;
var maxSection        : Number = 6;

for (var i : Number = defaultSection ; i < maxSection + 1 ; i ++ )


       trace ( " - " + i ) ;


if (defaultSection < maxSection)


       for (var i : Number = 1 ; i < defaultSection ; i ++ )


               trace ( " - " + i ) ;



On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Helmut Granda <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Is there a way to edit the code below to be included into just one for
loop and would it actually be faster? On a side note any site/book
recommendations on "how to" for this kind of odd sequences..


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