Francis Cheng wrote:
Grant's post is helpful because he discusses the issue in such detail,
but it would be even more helpful to have a concrete test case that
exhibits this problem.

With all due respect, the Flash team knows about this, and they don't need any more concrete test cases. We've got better things to do than play into Adobe's attempt to buy time by deflecting it back on the developers to come up with examples while the Flash team tries to get out of their blunder.

It's clear that Grant had discussions with Adobe before he wrote that blog post and I'm certain that others have approached the Flash player team with this issue for awhile. Nothing has been done to fix it, so you end up with a public exposure of the issue, as Grant has done. The Flash player team has egg on its face because in AS2 if you unload a swf, it unloads, and in AS3, it doesn't. Period end of statement. The Flash GC engine's inner workings is something that nobody outside of Adobe has access into and we can't possibly make tests that demonstrate whether it is or isn't working. The proof is in the pudding and Grant's post is all the evidence you need.

Let's not get into a situation where we are insulting each other's intelligence by acting like the Flash team hasn't been aware of this issue for quite some time. The Flash team is well aware of it, they know why it exists and they know it's difficult to fix. In all likelihood, they knew about it before any developer discovered it. I mean, after all, it works exactly like it was coded to work. It's not technically a bug, it's an engineering decision that is coming back to haunt them.

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